The workflow for using Doox is as follows:

flowchart LR
    Administrator --- Creation1([Create]):::white--> Organization
    Organization --- Creation2([Create]):::white --> Bot
    Internal_Data[(Internal Data)] --> Learn([Learn]):::white --> Bot
    Organization --- Invite1([Invite]):::white--> UserA --- Use1([Use]):::white --> Bot
    Organization --- Invite2([Invite]):::white--> UserB --- Use2([Use]):::white --> Bot
    Use1 --> Usage_Log[(Usage Log)]
    Use2 --> Usage_Log[(Usage Log)]

    classDef default fill:#e0f2fe, stroke:#38bdf8
    linkStyle default stroke:#38bdf8, stroke-width:1px;
    classDef white fill:#fff

Registration of Administrators and Organizations

Creation and Learning of the Bot

Inviting Users

Using the Bot

Checking Usage Logs